The Class of 2017: Past, Present, and Future
May 18, 2017
The Red & Black Editor in Chief: Signing Off…
As the first Editor in Chief of our school’s online publication, Hailey Julian takes a moment to reflect on the year as it comes to an end.
Moving on from something you’ve known most of your life is difficult. Having to face the reality that all of it is coming to an end can be heartbreaking for some. I know this isn’t the case for everyone but, I know for most seniors, these somewhat agonizing thoughts are running through their heads right now. It’s astounding to think how far we’ve all come since freshman year. What were once “kids” in braces and carrying overstuffed backpacks, are now young adults with car keys. I remember roaming these halls as a freshman thinking how tough the change would be from middle school but, I guess I never thought that that wasn’t even the hardest transition.
However, I know this change will bring good things. There is an opportunity for everyone to achieve their goals and this is because of the foundation we were given here at Patchogue-Medford. I hope that the future brings happiness and success to all, and even with struggles along the way, we will all rise above them and continue on our path to a great life.
My hopes for the Class of 2017 is simple: always chase your dreams. No matter how difficult something may seem at first, it isn’t impossible. We need not settle for anything other than what we have always dreamed to be. Even if it seems like you will never achieve it, go after it. I have learned that our experiences, no matter if they are good or bad, shape who we become, who we choose to be. I hope we all take risks and face the toughest challenges. I hope for all the success and happiness life has to offer my classmates because everyone deserves that, at the very least. This class has been through so much together and I know, from the bottom of my heart, that each and every person has the ability to do great things.
Furthermore, I hope this newspaper, The Red & Black, continues to shine. It has been such a pleasure to be part of this amazing club. The passion and hard work behind everything our staff does is nothing short of inspiring. I hope they will keep building on the success they have already gained in such a short period of time. To think that this paper has received recognition as the Best Online Publication by LIU Post, and is now nominated for a PCLI award is simply mind-blowing. It irrefutable proof that our staff is incredibly dedicated. Also, I hope Mrs. Sullivan and Mrs. McKeough keep inspiring and pushing these writers to be the best they can be. This whole newspaper would not be as successful as it is today if it wasn’t for them. This is because they are determined and want to see all the hard work of the staff to be paid off in the end. I want each writer who is part of our newspaper to realize how powerful words can be. Words are what move and inspire people in ways that can foster change: in our community, school, and the world.
Legacies aren’t always left by athletes, singers, or someone famous. A legacy can be created by anyone who made an impression on others. More importantly, a legacy lives on and have the power to inspire others to do more. I know this year, 2017, The Red and Black has created their own legacy. As the first Editor-in-Chief for the online newspaper, I hope that this club will only continue to grow and make its mark on both our school and community.
Let’s Remember the Very Beginning
A teacher from elementary school that left a lasting impression on you:
Mrs. Ray (Canaan) She introduced me to my best friend, and she got me interested in robotics and engineering. ~William
Mrs. Trainor (Tremont) She really helped me with writing at such a young age. ~Liz
Ms. Shine (Eagle) She challenged us more than any other teacher and I had her for two years. ~Emily
Mrs. King (Tremont) She was always so generous and kind. ~Jeremy
Mrs. Purcher (Eagle) She helped me appreciate learning by presenting herself as friendly and understanding. ~Joe
Mr. Miller (Barton) He did not hold back and he taught us a lot. ~Anthony
Mrs. Soldano (Medford) She was always enthusiastic about everything we did. ~Jennifer
Mrs. Giacobbe (Tremont) She taught me to read. ~Brandon
Mrs. Carpenter (Barton) I remember learning to write script and the 100th day of school when we dressed up like we were 100 years old. ~Victoria
Mrs. Baillergeon (Barton) I remember when she read The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane to us. We would circle-up and have class meetings. ~Monica
Mrs. Halloran (Barton) I had a passion for learning about dinosaurs and each day in class I would look for books on them. ~Vincent
Mrs. Bachmore (Barton) She was so energetic and funny and overall a great woman. She was able to handle energetic children well and there was never a dull moment with her. ~Sierra
Mr. Rudnicki (Eagle) He is one of the main reasons I continued to play my instrument. He helped me realize how much I enjoyed music and being in the band and I would have missed out on many friendships had it not been for him and that class. ~Sekai
Ms. Allen (Eagle) I remember my teacher taking us outside to go pumpkin picking in the fall and then she made all of us roasted pumpkin seeds. ~Abbie
Mrs. Methvan (Medford) On St. Patrick’s Day she had “Leprechaun” foot prints all over the classroom and then we had green bagels and milk. I remember thinking it was so real and that a leprechaun really came. ~Hailey
Mr. Bernstein (Medford) One day I was having trouble opening my fruit cup so I asked him to do it for me. It exploded all over his shirt and tie. I felt so bad, I didn’t know what to do. He laughed it off and I felt better. ~Nicotra
Mrs. Hogan (Tremont) This is the year I began playing saxophone and really fell in love with music. I continue to play to this day and have no plan on stopping; I have also learned the guitar. ~Michael
Mrs. Hobbes (Tremont) I was extremely shy and Mrs. Hobbes really helped me come out of my shell. I remember showing the whole class my British accent which was something I would normally never do. ~Kayla
Mrs. Giachetto (River) She taught me to always do my homework and to strive for greatness. ~Ashley
Ms. Gonzolas (River) The “Leprechaun” would sprinkle green sparkles in the toilet, leave green footprints on the floor and counter, and he left the chairs and tables flipped over. ~Isabel
Mr. Defichy (Bay) He made gym fun. ~Eric
Ms. Lesser (Bay) We did a lot of fun science experiments. ~Justine
Feels Like Just Yesterday
What was most memorable about Middle School?
- Environmental Club and our Water Project
- 8th grade Band receiving Gold with distinction from NYSSMA Majors
- Medieval Times trip
- Halloween dance and costume contest
- School trip to D.C. and Hershey (overwhelming response)
- Orchestra
- Chorus
South Ocean:
- Being involved in the school plays
- Minute to Win It
- Trip to see Blue Man Group
- All-School Musical
Most Influential Adult from Middle School:
- Warnken: She made sure to help everyone and made me feel comfortable. ~Deanna
- Rudnicki: He always encouraged me. ~Janelle
- Bacon: He inspired my interest in history. ~Liz
- Guzman: Extremely inspiring and always pushed everyone to do better than what they were currently doing. ~Jeremy
- Passanante: He helped me develop my passion for music. ~Joe
- Carpluk: She was kind, sociable, and easy to talk to. ~Caitlyn
- Vario: Always had a smile on her face and always made sure to end class on a positive note. The math was difficult but she made sure to make class enjoyable. ~Samantha
- Sanzone: When I moved into the district he met with me and my family to welcome us to the district. ~Melissa
- Mistretta: She taught me the most when I was first beginning to understand the purpose of school. ~Vayda
- Whittaker: She always pushed me to do my best and supported me. ~Jena
- Fonte: She was a great science teacher and made me more intrigued in it enough to want to pursue a career in STEM. ~Shivani
- Mason: She helped me develop my love for art. ~Donna
South Ocean:
- Lao: She was very supportive and gave great advice. ~Kayla
- Lindquist: He made learning Algebra bearable. ~Pamela
- Cotignola: He had so much energy in the morning and made me love history. ~Laura
- Schneider: He made me love social studies. ~Christina
- Pickford: She encouraged me. ~Alex
- Bruno: He made me realize my love for science. ~Blossom
Saying Goodbye to PMHS
There are just a few days of classes left – how do you feel about that?
“High school went by too quickly, and though I am ready for the next chapter of my life to start, it is very sad that everything I have ever known is about to change.” ~Christina
“At the beginning of the year I was antsy and prepared to say good-bye but as the weeks grow shorter and classes begin to wind down, I’m sad. Pat-Med is all I have ever known and I’m scared of not knowing what comes next.” ~Samantha
“I’m sad, excited, terrified, proud, and so many more emotions all at the same time. I haven’t decided how I’m feeling yet because it doesn’t seem real.” ~Lauren
“I’m feeling very excited. I know I spent my time well here at Pat-Med and I’m excited to move on to bigger things and start a career.” ~Meghan

“All year long I remember hoping that the year would fly faster – I wanted to graduate! However, I started thinking of all the things that I would never do again. There would be no Mrs. Cossack or announcements every school morning! The ending feels bittersweet and I would like to spend time with my friends that I will not see often in the future.” ~Jennifer
Which “Senior Event” are you most looking forward to?
“The AFJROTC Banquet. I’ve been going for the past three years and this year will be my last along with Colonel Atkinson for he is retiring.” ~Hunter
“I am most looking forward to Senior Day. I love the idea of simply playing outside with my friends and celebrating our finals days together.” ~Jenna
“I am most looking forward to Yearbook Signings. These serve as a sort of final thank you and good luck wishes between friends and teachers.” ~Brian
“I am, of course, looking forward to prom. Only once does everyone get to go to a party wearing a beautiful dress where everyone is equally important.” ~Hanna
“I’m most looking forward to graduation. I cannot wait to hold my diploma in my hand knowing that I accomplished something huge and starting something new.” ~Olivia
If you could go back and change one thing – what would it be?
“I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t change anything because everything that I have been through has made me into the person I am today.” ~Victoria
“I’d like to change the fact that this year, I’ve slacked with studying and senioritis came way too early.” ~Monica
“It would be to be on time to school and to become a morning person.” ~Ashley
“I would change not becoming involved in clubs sooner; Model U.N., Robotics, the Musical, etc. because they are really what brought me motivation and enjoyment from school.” ~Mike
Grandma fran • May 23, 2017 at 5:41 pm
The Red & Black was very fortunate to have you as their Editor – in – Chief Your article today was so inspiring and heartfelt . You are so dedicated to everything you do and the School newspaper is a perfect example of that.
Keep your cheerful spirit and your love for people alive always Love you and am Very Proud of you.
Love Grandma
Mitzy • May 21, 2017 at 11:31 pm
I feel so inspired by reading the article from the class of 2017. Although I am not a senior yet, my junior year went by so fast!!!
On my first day as a freshman, I was so nervous… The high school seemed to be so big for me, and I thought I could get lost. However people there were nice and they showed me the way to get to my classrooms.