No More Violence in Our Schools
A day of assemblies that invited students throughout the day to discuss and reflect on the state of violence plaguing our schools.
May 7, 2018
A Freshman’s View
On Friday, April 20, an assembly was held in the auditorium 1st period for ninth graders to express their frustrations on the recent increase in school shootings across the country. Before the assembly started, people I spoke to were apprehensive but curious about the direction it would take.
The assembly started off with a news video documenting the trauma that the Parkland School students went through. Speeches were then made by students Christa, Peter, and Arianna who memorialized those who have lost their lives to such evil acts. They started off the grade-wide discussion with recognizing that if innocent students’ lives could be lost, where does it end?
After this, microphones were left in the front of each aisle to let students express their thoughts. Many people volunteered and were extremely passionate, all getting an abundance of applause for their bravery of sharing their views with the grade.
My grade level seemed to focus on the fact that waking up and being scared to go to school is not ok. Also, it was made clear that even though we are young it is still possible for us to bring about change. After about 15 people shared their thoughts, another video was shown in memorial to those who died in past school shootings.
The assembly was an effective way of helping students to share their thoughts with one another and come up with a solution. Throughout the rest of the day, many students who went to the assembly said they were moved by the experiences and opinions of other people who shared their views to their peers.
Juniors Let Their Voices Be Heard

Photo by Delaney Reh
Students gathered together on Friday April 20th for a student-led conversation about violence in our schools.
The junior assembly stopped nothing short of astounding as our very own students voiced their part and their story with relation to what seems like an epidemic of tragedy overcoming our country. Pain, sorrow, and frustration was undoubtedly felt by many of the students, but rising above it all was resilience and determination.
One student advised everyone that despite the horrific circumstances of a shooting, we must always stay alert and think clearly. From desks to chairs, we must do whatever it takes to protect ourselves. Today, this is more relevant than ever. On April 20, 2018 the very day of this assembly, there was yet another shooting at Florida high school by the name of Forest Hills. With one individual injured, the shooter himself stated “I just shot through the door” as he walked towards the jail. This is a scary reminder that the doors which we think of as indestructible are in actuality very penetrable.
Perhaps the most resounding motif across many of our speakers was references to their younger family members. With no doubt, it is indeed a horrible thing to think about when the youth of our country cannot feel safe in the institutions which are meant to allow them to grow.
Fear not however – the students were all well aware of the power they hold in changing the future. From calling for gun reforms at the federal and state level to exercising our right to vote, this generation will ensure that the right to life will be protected both for our sakes and in line with the legacies of those who can no longer do it themselves.
Seniors Reflect on the Topic
Due to recent tragedy, students have been clamoring for the opportunity to have their voice heard on the issue of gun control. On Friday, April 20th; the 20th anniversary of the Columbine massacre, our school held an open mic assembly for all grades to share their beliefs on the issue and what us young adults can do to have our voices heard.
Our host did an amazing job at making our assembly a serious topic that got all students involved rather than the usual “Study Hall” period everyone could have treated it as. All the hosts gave their own speeches on the issue of gun control and how we must be politically active in order to see the change the youth wants in our country.
They showed two videos that captured what we all showed up to discuss, one that covered the tragedy in Parkland with disturbing video from the students inside the school and we closed the discussion watching one on how high school students (the future of America), can get our voices heard to the old heads in charge of the country.
Every student that gave a speech during this event deserved a round of applause for being able to talk to a room of their peers on how the fear of being killed at any moment as tampered with their willingness to go to school.
While a few people went completely off topic from the issue or got their facts wrong, most students addressed how these tragedies have made what was once known as “the golden years” of our lives into a living nightmare of fear. I gained an immense amount of respect for a lot of different students on Friday due to their bravery and willingness to talk about such a sensitive topic with the maturity they showed.
Tristan Moreau • May 16, 2018 at 8:01 pm
Great article. Thanks for the recognition, looking forward to more informational pieces like this.