Juniors Let Their Voices Be Heard
May 6, 2018

Photo by Delaney Reh
Students gathered together on Friday April 20th for a student-led conversation about violence in our schools.
The junior assembly stopped nothing short of astounding as our very own students voiced their part and their story with relation to what seems like an epidemic of tragedy overcoming our country. Pain, sorrow, and frustration was undoubtedly felt by many of the students, but rising above it all was resilience and determination.
One student advised everyone that despite the horrific circumstances of a shooting, we must always stay alert and think clearly. From desks to chairs, we must do whatever it takes to protect ourselves. Today, this is more relevant than ever. On April 20, 2018 the very day of this assembly, there was yet another shooting at Florida high school by the name of Forest Hills. With one individual injured, the shooter himself stated “I just shot through the door” as he walked towards the jail. This is a scary reminder that the doors which we think of as indestructible are in actuality very penetrable.
Perhaps the most resounding motif across many of our speakers was references to their younger family members. With no doubt, it is indeed a horrible thing to think about when the youth of our country cannot feel safe in the institutions which are meant to allow them to grow.
Fear not however – the students were all well aware of the power they hold in changing the future. From calling for gun reforms at the federal and state level to exercising our right to vote, this generation will ensure that the right to life will be protected both for our sakes and in line with the legacies of those who can no longer do it themselves.