Chelsea Goldberg
The most famous tree that gets in early start.
Who said decorating for Christmas on November 1st was too soon? Just about everyone. But are they wrong? Yes.
According to Inquisitr, studies show that people who decorate for Christmas earlier are happier people or more likely to be seen with a cheerful smile upon their faces. The article written by Danny Cox says,
“Psychoanalyst Steve McKeown said that decorating early simply helps prolong the excitement of the Christmas holidays.”
Simply put, decorating for Christmas earlier can make people incredibly happier for several reasons. One reason decorating for the holiday season can spread joy quickly is to relieve anxiety and stress. Psychologists say that in a world full of stress, people like to decorate and have that feeling of magic to help them feel truly happy and excited.
Another reason people love to spread the Christmas cheer early is because the Christmas season appears to end rather early. By decorating on November 1st, blasting the holiday tunes, and wearing ugly Christmas sweaters you get more time to feel blissful and joyous. Decorating on Thanksgiving, like most families, before you know it you are already gathering your list of presents to get people and buying wrapping paper. According to Psychology Today, as a kid, Christmas can go by very slowly but as we age, it changes.
“That is why Christmas as a child never seemed to come fast enough, and as an adult, they seem to come and go more and more quickly. When we are a child, Christmas is still new, different, and exciting. When we are older, it’s the same old, same old. As we repeat the same events again and again, they don’t make much of an impression and we don’t reflect much, so when it happens again the following year, it seems like it just happened.”
As kids, we were so excited to get that new pretty bike we saw on tv, or that LeapPad with the cool new features. As we grow older, we look forward to money or clothes, etc. Whereas when we were kids, receiving clothes was one of the most disappointing things.
The third reason why the Christmas season should start November 1st is so you have time to save up for the many gifts you should purchase for friends or family. If you’re the type of person to get your mom that coffee mug she was eyeing in the store, or get your dad his favorite sport teams’ tickets, then you definitely should start saving now. Christmas is one of the most expensive times of the year and if you want to give your family and friends those gifts they long for, then saving and planning now how much money you should spend is the best idea for you. Seeing everyone’s reactions for who you bought gifts for is one of the best things about gift-giving.
The fourth reason as to why most people love to celebrate Christmas early is the holiday movies. If you’re like me, then you watch the cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies that thankfully start on Halloween. Amazing, right? Perfect for when you want to feel that Christmas spirit early! The movies may have you cringe at some points but ultimately they’re pretty decent and definitely make you feel all the Christmas emotions.
Lastly, a perfectly well-executed reason for why people blast that holiday music early is because of the joy. There’s a certain magic to the decorations, the lights, and the music. Simply put, Christmas is the time of joy, love and coming together. Tis the season for decorating early and getting in the spirit!