Maddy Frascogna
Photo by Michele Sullivan
Maddie Frascogna is running for Class of 2021 president. Voting takes place next week!
November 27, 2017
What made you want to run for class president?
I have been president of the National Junior Honor Society and of the class in middle school and it is something I really enjoy doing. I like to be a part of solutions and to be involved. I don’t want to look back on my high school career and say I think I could have made a difference and I didn’t.
There are probably some people in 9th graders that don’t know you very well. What do you want these people to know about you?
I am very friendly and am nice to everyone. I take things I do very seriously and I always strive to do them to the best of my ability.
What are some words that friends and family would use to describe you?
Hardworking, Honest, dedicated, competitive, kind, caring, smart, creative, funny, organized.
What are some things you want to achieve if/when you are elected?
It’s my goal to have all of our personalities, all of our strengths and all of our interest be used to make the class of 2021 the absolute best it could be!! Everyone here has something to share that can make our class better whether someone is into sports, music, or being creative acting, reading, writing, technology, art, or just being fun, our school and our class needs everyone!!!
Before, you told me that you were the president of National Junior Honor Society. What kinds of responsibilities did this give you? How did you deal with them?
I was in charge of planning meetings and set the agenda… I would come up with ideas and talk them over with the other officers to finalize them.
What are some challenges you think you will face after you are elected?
The first challenge would probably be to prioritize what we have to do and what to do to implement them.
That was awesome! Do you have anything you’d like to say to the class of 2021?
Thank you so much and please vote for Maddie Frascogna!!!