2018: The Future is in Our Hands
New Year message from our Editor-in-Chief
Here we are once again: the confetti litters the streets of Manhattan, the lights, music and grandeur all are left as a symbol for something new. Of course, we all know by now it is meant to welcome us to a new year in as prodigious a way as possible, but, it also can be a representation for the smaller intricacies of life. Whether it be finally asking that girl you like out, or putting your all into your school-work, 2017 is now a faint memory, while 2018 is here for us to carve in any way we see fit. From me to you, from the Red and Black to Pat-Med, we wish you a very happy new year and welcome you back for an exciting year ahead.
Before we move onto the future, it is only right that we take a look back at all that 2017 had to offer us both on a local and a worldwide level. Here in Pat-Med, while we continued to have the same events as per usual, the level of excitement, pride, and commitment from the student body proved to be far better than anyone could have expected: from homecoming, to Raider Bowl, this school and the students who comprise it never cease to amaze in the level of ambition that can possibly be encapsulated. Of course, not all is centered around our one building, as our staff is always committed to reporting to you what is going on around your community. For this, there is no better example than the Canaan Lake clean up , and the work of our schools clubs and societies looking to always get involved for the right cause. Here at the Red and Black, we seek to always find the stories that are not only interesting- but also meaningful to our deserving audience. Agree or not, staff writer Nicole Niemiec’s article on the College Board and AP exams left you contemplating a new perspective and the effect it has on us. While our focus will always be on delivering to you the local news, we cannot forget about what is happening in the grander scheme of things and the implications it has on us all.
While political controversy, worldwide relations, and even sports are nothing new, it seems 2017 ended the black and white area of where sports and politics should not be mixed. The biggest story in that regard came when Colin Kaepernick refused to stand for the National Anthem and the domino effect it had in the NFL, NBA, and responses from political figures. However, while this was a civil issue occurring within our own nation, a much more crucial matter was taking place outside of our borders. Technically, it is not breaking news, nonetheless, the tensions between the United States and North Korea still persist and since Trump has taken office a new layer has been added to the public’s fear of potential nuclear annihilation. Moreover, a much more recent story everyone has had their eyes on is the end of Net Neutrality led by the FCC’s Ajit Pai and the fear of a 1984-esque scenario on our hands. Like always, the year had it’s ups and downs, but now we aim to the future and to see what the new year has to bring us.
For us at the Red and Black, we set out the beginning of this school year with lofty goals- mainly to continue building on the success the newspaper had in its first year being online and of course the upstart of our broadcast team. Sure, in life nothing goes according to plan- and Murphy’s Law always seems to step in- but with a staff with their eyes towards innovation and two advisors who go beyond what their job description entails, we have gotten to the point we had hoped. Yet, this does not call for complacency, as we did not get this far by resting on our laurels. As we head into 2018, for me, with only six months left as a student in this building, I will be working diligently to assure that the future of the Red and Black is in good hands and that a system is in place to make sure the paper and media team can continue to do nothing but grow from here. Once more, thank you for always supporting us- and welcome to 2018!

Grade 12
“Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. Don’t
bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try