Let’s Get Over Ourselves
We’re no better than our parents, really. Or their parents before them.
Photo by Creative Commons
“Father Knows Best” aired in 1954.
We’ve all heard it before, the dreaded phrase among iGens: “We had it harder when we were your age”. There seems to be a constant debate between the generations, whether someone is a Baby Boomer, Millennial, or iGen, everyone thinks they’re better than the rest. Most notable is the argument between child and parent, we all know how it goes. We mess up, and our parents lecture us on how they’re better, simply because they “had it harder” when they were little. We, the iGens, do our best to try to fire back with how life may possibly be harder nowadays, but they don’t want to hear it. The argument ends, for now, and the cycle repeats itself the next time it’s brought up.
The truth is -bear with me- there is no wiser, smarter, or superior generation. Each generation has its challenges and advantages unique to that time, so how can we compare ourselves? Let’s take it back to something we’ve all heard before: that our parents had it harder in school because they didn’t have the internet. This, no matter how badly we don’t want to admit it, is true; they’ve got us there. But guess what? It cancels out, because according to Abby Rogers of Business Insider, “today’s high school students are taking harder classes…” than our parents did, so we deserve the internet rather than them. See how that works?
Let’s try another example. Our parents try to argue that life was overall harder when they were growing up. Which is true, according to prooncall.com, because “…our lives have become easier…” as a result of new technologies like cellphones. But, you guessed it, that doesn’t matter either, because assuming there are new advancements in technology in the future, we can tell our kids the exact same thing! It’s just a cycle of pity throughout generations.
Overall, the one thing us iGens must take away from this is that we’re no better than any other generation, and they’re no better than us. Although we have it easier today in some ways, we also have it more difficult, and the same goes for our parents. So for now, just put up with them. When we have kids, our time will come to complain.
Linda O'Brien • Mar 22, 2018 at 11:52 am
Well written Taylor, with many true points! However as, a Baby Boomer can’t say I feel superior, just have more life experience. As a parent, just want to see my children happy and successful. Sorry if at times it seems like we are complaining, just want the best for them.
Jim Moran • Mar 21, 2018 at 11:41 am
Very thoughtful perspective. Life is all about perspective and regardless of the generation one is born in to or the tools at hand, the persistent and stubborn succeed. Great job Taylor