Red Cross Club Saving Lives One House at a Time
A close look at the smoke detector campaign
Photo by Courtesy of Greater New York Red Cross
Students from the PMHS Red Cross Club meet with the CEO of Greater NY Red Cross to promote smoke detector program
A life saving event was recently hosted by the Patchogue Medford High School Red Cross. The Red Cross was installing fire alarms and various other alert systems, including special alarms for people with disabilities. The Red Cross installed over 300 smoke alarms on Sunday April 29th which sure made a difference to the lives of everyone that paticipated.
There are still appointments that can be scheduled to have a smoke detector installed. Anybody can, you don’t need to have a financial need to have the detectors installed. If you are interested in doing so, all you have to do is make an appointment. You can schedule an appointment by either calling 516-229-1086 or you can visit online
I interviewed Mary Savi, the Community Outreach Officer for the Red Cross for Pat-Med and Nicolette Savattere about the event that occurred on April 29th .
Q: How was the turnout?
A: “Amazing, over three hundred smoke detectors were installed.”
Q: Do you feel that you benefited the community?
A: “ Yeah, people that didn’t have smoke detectors in their house now have they are secure in their house.”
Q: What can you do to improve it for next year?
A: “Get more people to sign up.”
Q: What was the purpose of the event?
A: “ Seven lives are lost do to home fires every day, we did this event to lower these numbers and teach the about fire safety and escape plans.”
The Red Cross would greatly appreciate new members and are always accepting new members. This event was just purely done to help the community and better people’s lives. They truly want to decrease the amount of people that are killed in home fires everyday. This event is still continuing, so if you want to have smoke alarm installed, all you need to do is to make an appointment.

Ciara has been a member of The Red and Black for four years. In her free time, she likes to write and hang out with her friends. She also enjoys hanging...