Is Spirit Week Lacking Spirit?

Photo by Andres Rendon
From left to right: Brooke (12th grade), Ava, Brendan, and Kristin (all of which are in 10th grade), and Amber (12th grade). As you can see, they are all very excited for homecoming by representing their classes for class shirt day!
Homecoming has come to an end, and I took the time to observe the overall feeling of Spirit week for this homecoming season. This school year, Pat-Med students participated in most, if not all of the days, which included Comfy Day, Hat Day, Hollywood Day, and Class Shirt Day.
Although these days can be quite exciting, there could be other possibilities to consider for next year’s Homecoming Spirit Week. According to several students, they feel that some of the themes for the day should change from its traditional style.
Mariely Santana, a junior here at Pat-Med, stated “It [spirit week] should represent more of what’s happening in the media and the world around them. It’s repetitive every year and there needs to be more innovative ideas for kids to be more involved.”
Rachel Edwards, a senior at the high school, recommended the idea of having a Costume Day. Because Halloween is in the same month as Homecoming, it would have been very fitting to make that day happen, and many students would have participated compared to the days of the week.
When asked about their opinions of this year’s spirit week, multiple students did not hesitate to state that it was repetitive, and it didn’t seem connected to the homecoming theme of movie series/trilogies. One other commonality that others shared was that spirit week needs to be more creative in their themes.
Connor Boothe, a 12th grader, stated “Why didn’t we do a Vine Day? Even a culture day would be cool too!”
That was another question that lingered among the students. There was word that a vine/meme day was going to be added to spirit week, yet it never made an appearance, and students began to question its disappearance.
In today’s society, it is crucial to consider the current trends, and what people are interested in now. Give us your feedback by writing a letter to the editor (located under the “Contact Us” menu) or leave a comment below.

Grade 12
"Sometimes one bite is more than enough to know you want more of the thing you just got a taste of." -Dr. Pomatter