The Point of No Return
Considering a national dilemma
Photo by Makayla Mateo
Although yellow lights are a safety feature, they can cause drivers all around to decide under pressure in order to avoid crashes.
Every driver has experienced the quick decision making that goes on in your mind when you come across a yellow light. The two questions, “Do I quickly speed up?” or “Do I start braking now?” rush through your head and within around 1.5 seconds you are taking your next steps to perform the action you chose.
For most Long Island drivers, they choose to go with option 1 in order to avoid waiting at a red light. This, however, can be very dangerous, and occasionally even fatal.
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Undoubtedly, if you are already in the intersection when the light turns yellow, you are already in the “point of no return,” and the safest option for you and the surrounding cars is for you to proceed crossing through. However, if you intend to speed up in order to not wait at the light, I strongly advise against it.
The sometimes called “Dilemma Zone,” leads to many car crashes each year. Around 165,000 accidents are caused annually due to running a red light and approximately 800 fatalities from the crashes.
Another thing to be careful about is if you brake shortly. Cars that are staying close behind you or that are tailgating can hit you from the back if you brake out of nowhere.
Whether you decide to brake or pass through, always be cautious of your decision-making when you see a yellow light!
Mikayla • Nov 7, 2018 at 12:16 pm
Great article!