Humans of Pat-Med
Photo by Andres Rendon
Molly — grade 12
“Honestly, I’ve had such a good experience with the school’s science department and I chose nursing because of my passion for biology and helping others. Dr. Gatz, being my AP Biology teacher, definitely inspired me to choose a major involving some sort of medicine and science, and so I decided to choose nursing at Pace University. They have a great program and a beautiful campus, and I’m very excited to start my journey into nursing there. During my time at Pat-Med, I’ve learned a lot about accepting yourself and others and I think it’s a lesson that everyone needs to apply to their lives after high school. I am so thankful for my teachers and friends that will always play an important role in my life.”

Grade 12
"Sometimes one bite is more than enough to know you want more of the thing you just got a taste of." -Dr. Pomatter