Another Sheriff in Town
The Red and Black has added a second Editor in Chief
Photo by Gianna Gordon
Senior Isabella Scuteri has been a vital part of our publication since 9th grade and now she’s been promoted as our second Editor-in-Chief.
Isabella Scuteri has officially been named our second Editor-in-Chief of the Red and Black! After three years of very hard work, things have finally started to pay off. Her dedication to the Red and Black (and Raider TV) is what brought her to this moment. But for Bella, things weren’t always like this.
She never even wanted to be a journalist. She never thought about it, and she never even watched the news. She didn’t even want to be in the class in the first place. She originally took the class to fill a requirement for 9th grade. But ever since then she hasn’t looked back.
She has published a total of twenty-nine articles, and she won’t be stopping anytime soon. As well as having all of those articles published, she also has the most viewed and most commented article in all of the paper’s history.
Her article “In The Limelight” is about a band called “Why Don’t We” who came together as a band after each of them played in their hometowns. Her article massed over 164 comments from all over the world and over 5,400 people read it. For a high school newspaper that is an incredible feat, and it is all a testament to Isabella.
This past summer Isabella went to the Robert W. Greene Institute for High School Journalists at Stony Brook University. While she was there she learned a lot about journalism that she was not fully aware of up to this point. She also did a lot of video work, and found that she liked that aspect of being a journalist in addition to writing the articles.
“I’ve always wanted to have a position on the board, and now that I am co-Editor-in-Chief, it really is fulfilling my dreams. I want to get a lot more people involved in the newspaper, it teaches you many skills that are not just used in the classroom, but in life in general, ” Bella stated when asked about her promotion.
It’s a great thing to know the leaders of our board are so dedicated to the newspaper.
Bella is smart, focused, and determined to keep everyone hard at work during the year to collect more accolades and achievements for our esteemed news site.
Congratulations Bella, here’s to you!
Editor’s note: This story was edited to include the photographer’s name.

Tony is a senior here at Pat-Med, and it’s his fourth year on the Red & Black. He plans to major in Journalism and study at Hofstra University. He...
Abby Yoches • Oct 4, 2019 at 12:17 pm
Love this! Awesome article, Tony and congrats Bella!