Photo by Ciara Mooney
Alyssa HOPM
I joined DECA as a club so that I can add to my extracurricular activities. The teacher who is the advisor is Mrs. Mars, she is one of my favorite teachers and she was the one who recommended it to me. I joined because we got to help with the blood drives at school and to the help out, in the community. Being a part of DECA means a lot, I always like to help and get involved in school. I really think joining is a great experience for anybody. You get to learn skills. The most meaningful thing DECA has done for the community is helping at the blood drives because thousands of people need blood on a daily basis and it’s not just in America, it’s in the entire world. So, having the blood drive at school definitely helps the community. People should donate to help save lives and give back because there are so many epidemics and natural disasters throughout the world. Blood shortages and accidents, cancer, surgeries, and more are the reasons why you might need to donate blood. Helping DECA is not just helping yourself, it’s helping your community and everyone around you.

Ciara has been a member of The Red and Black for four years. In her free time, she likes to write and hang out with her friends. She also enjoys hanging...