Motivation Monday
Photo by Photo by Emily Cozza
Editor in Chief, Hailey Julian.
January 9, 2017
As 2017 begins, the Red and Black has some New Year’s resolutions and goals for 2017 that we would like to share! First off, happy Monday and welcome to this fantastic new year! The Red and Black has already started redesigning the look of our newspaper with a completely new look! We are on track for receiving awards for the look of our online paper; therefore, we had to make some adjustments to make it look perfect! So, go check it out at Also, we have decided to start a new trend with the newspaper, giving a certain theme for each day of the week:
Motivation Mondays: Will give brief little stories to inspire to kick off the week.
Topic Tuesdays: Includes “edgier” stories related to hot topics on local and global range.
WE are Pat-Med Wed.: Consists of brief highlights individual students who are making a difference or groups that need attention for upcoming events.
Throwback Thursdays: Showcases sports related highlights – we may eventually expand to music and/or entertainment.
Fun Friday: Ends off with quick, quirky fun ideas — topics to highlight such as what’s hot in fashion or trending, or fun ideas for things to do with friends.
We are hoping this new idea will interest our readers in all aspects possible.
We want to share all of the new and improved looks and ideas. Not only do we want to spread awareness of the website but, we also want show that Patchogue Medford has one of the best newspapers on all of Long Island! The paper includes so many new features you should check out! While you’re there, take the poll as well! So, if you do not already, please follow our Twitter (@PMHSNews_RnB), Facebook, and Instagram (@pmhsredandblack). The only way we can expand our audience is by social media. Follow us and spread the word — that would be fantastic!
We also have updated our bulletin board full of story ideas so be on the look out if you are interested in writing one. We are always willing to take suggestions and ideas. Our meetings are held on Thursdays in 284. We also are trying to start up broadcasting, so if you are interested, come join the group! We welcome everyone to come and check out how amazing our team truly is. We hope to see you at our meetings. Have a great day!
Fran Berger • Jan 12, 2017 at 6:59 pm
What a great idea !! something special for each day, Looking forward to reading some good articles ( I just love the Editor in Chief)
adviser • Jan 13, 2017 at 8:01 am
The Red & Black loves you, too Grandma Fran!
Matt Hanley • Jan 10, 2017 at 10:46 am
Wonderful Job! Kudos to the entire student staff and the advisers. We are proud of you and the challenges that you are taking on.