A Species Destined for Extinction
Photo by Erin Conner
Statistics are clear when it comes to the extinction of this species.
At this moment in time approximately 30,000 Rhinos are left in the entire world. Threatened by a serious poaching epidemic, it is predicted that they will be extinct within the next ten years.
Primarily located in South Africa, these beautiful creatures are hunted for their horns as well as threatened by habitat destruction. Being as though they are only allotted small, fragmented areas due to the vitiation of many natural habitats, disease and dangerous inbreeding is beyond control. Along with the increase of human settlement, the likelihood of contact between the two is heightened, often leading to sadly fatal results for the Rhinoceros species.
Poaching although, poses the biggest threat of them all. Viciously slaughtered for their semi white keratin horns, the number of existing rhinos continues to go down as the demand for them continues to go up. Sold on the illegal market in Vietnam, and made as investment purchases along with incorporating it into Chinese medicine, prices are sky high, and as are the stakes. According to WWF, Rhino poaching levels hit records high in 2015, with an astonishing 1,300 Rhinos decimated in Africa alone.
In attempt to eliminate this problem, CITES has banned the international trade of rhino horn. And yet, thanks to smuggling channels and transit points, the killing fields are linked and the issue continues.
Thankfully, there many more organizations working to alleviate, and prevent the total extinction of these magnificent animals. Despite the fact that zoos should not necessarily be supported either, the more concerning of the species the White Rhino has been placed under their ‘protection’ and now find their home to be in the walls of such as matters of safe keeping. As for more ethical institutions, you can do your part by donating to the International Rhino Foundation, Save the Rhino or by even adopting a rhino from the WWF.
Overall unless changes are made, rhinos will soon become only figures in children’s picture books and thoughts of the reminiscent past.