Homecoming Theme for 2019
Help the GO choose next year’s homecoming theme by leaving a comment down below.
Photo by Isabella Scuteri
When it comes to Patchogue Medford High School, homecoming is one of the most exciting weeks of the school year. During the week each grade has their own float site to build a huge float out of wood and tissue paper flowers. Also, they create a skit and bulletin board, fitting to their subject.
For 2018, the theme was movie series. Seniors chose Back to the Future, Juniors chose Pirates of the Caribbean, Sophomores: Jurassic Park and Freshman chose Despicable Me. The classes spent hours on end making their creations the absolute best they can be. Homecoming gets all of the students and staff very excited because as they say, no one does Homecoming like Pat-Med.
Pat-Med’s GO is now thinking about next year’s homecoming for 2019. The three ideas they came up with are Classic Disney Movies, Classic Video Games and Countries. However, these themes are not the definite choices and they are open to suggestions. If you have your own suggestion, submit a comment below on this article!
Also, there will be a Twitter poll for the GO’s suggestions on the newspaper’s Twitter, make sure to check it out and vote! @PMHSNews_RnB

Isabella is a senior at Patchogue-Medford High School and fourth year journalism student . She is the Editor in Chief and helped get the newspaper off...
Delaney • Oct 2, 2019 at 12:07 pm
cool to see how it played out! Can’t wait to do classic Disney movies, go class of 2020!!!!!!
Gail Comiskey • Apr 11, 2019 at 11:24 am
I’m a big fan of old disney movies so it would be a lot of fun to do that then.
P.J. Osheske • Apr 10, 2019 at 11:25 pm
Classic Video Games could be a really fun theme for next year. I also am a fan of either Broadway shows or even just Bands as topics just due to the variety involved with each.
Isabelle Palladino • Apr 10, 2019 at 8:41 pm
I love these theme ideas! I have asked some my friends in the class of 2021 and have received a lot of excitement for the idea of Disney classics. Not only do my peers love it, but I think that this will be a very popular choice by students in all grades.
Emma Unverzagt • Mar 19, 2019 at 9:09 pm
I like the countries would be cool, or maybe we could do holidays like mardi gras, fourth of july etc. or maybe even US cities like seattle, nyc, boston.