Most Popular gift requests From Santa 2021

Learn about the newest and hottest choices for Christmas 2021!


Photo by Sadie Wisniewski

If you’re looking to get someone something extra special or ask for a little more sparkle this year, the name plate necklace is back and customizable from name choice to font style.

Exchanging Christmas presents has been a tradition for many years, and every year there have been new popular ideas of what kids, teens and adults want for the holidays.

To start off with, one of the most popular gifts that I have been seeing is name plate necklaces. These necklaces are so cute and you can get one with your first and last name (if you have a short last name), you could also do it with your first and middle name, with just your first name or the first letter of your name. A good thing about this gift choice is that in the past you would have to be someone with a common name to do it, but now there are ways to get it especially made and be able to get more parts of your name to customize. All and all and I would recommend this gift choice if you’re looking to spend a little more money.

I interviewed some people, and these are the responses I got:

One person, who wanted to remain anonymous, mentioned a good point, many people would be asking for technology such as phones, laptops, and iPads. Most kids and adults would enjoy things like this for Christmas because they either want something they can use for fun, need a new work device, or want something that has new functions. Technology is a particularly useful tool and can be fun at times. This is not just something that is exclusive to this year, as everyone knows this is an exceedingly popular choice to make for the holiday season. She also mentioned how this can also be a popular choice for young kids, younger kids are even more into technology than we were a few years ago, they like to play games and talk to friends.

Jerry- He said that coffee mugs would be a popular gift choice of this year. It is a typical thing that people would like to enjoy a nice cup of coffee or hot coco. Over time it has changed, at first people just drank hot coco and coffee in any random cups they could find, but now they like to make it into a nice aesthetic thing by using nice mugs. An idea that I notice many people having is getting mugs especially made or getting mugs that have something that the person likes on it (like their favorite tv show). Coffee mugs might sound like a basic idea but, there are many things that you can do with them to make them festive, you just must get creative! This is also a good gift for a friend.

Athena- She said that a promising idea for getting gifts for friends and family is heading to small business sites such as Esty. You will also be supporting a small business. This is also an effective way to get things especially made and the way you want them. If you are shopping for someone who is very particular, then you should consider going this route.

One person suggested something super simple: money! Instead of going through all that work to see what the person is going to want if you are not sure you could give them money, so they can go shopping and pick out what they want (gift cards are also an innovative idea). You can get money or a gift card for a friend and they will be happy! This is a practical idea for teens and anyone older, but if you are getting a younger kid a gift, I would not go the route of money. If you are giving someone money it also gives you a chance to spend more time picking out a card and making the card nice or wrapping gift card in a special box.

Mrs. Sclafani – She recommended a 3d printer, as everyone knows there is one in the library that many people use. It is an item that is genuinely nice and usable. You can create your own stuff by using it. It is also fun to watch. It is exceedingly popular this year (and all years in this time) that people will be getting diverse types of technology. This goes under that category. A 3d printer is also a good teacher gift, teachers would find beneficial use out of this as they can use it to make models to demon straight to their students for teaching. It is also good for someone who runs an office, it can be used in many ways there as well.

Alesia- An immensely popular item would obviously be a smart phone. She is not the first person to say this. People of all ages want a new phone for Christmas. As a culture cell phones are one of the most important items to use. This is a gift that many people would be happy with, you are granted that whoever you get it for will not be disappointed.

Isana- She said two things the first thing is a spinning ring (this is a clever idea of something to get for a friend). You might we wondering what a spinning ring is? A spinning ring is a fidget! It is not the type of fidget that you would be told to put away in class. It looks like just a regular ring, but you can spin the pendant on it. The rings look very pretty and are a good stress relief. The second one she said was a portable charger (this is also a good friend gift). Not every gift has to be something pretty, it can also be something that can be put to clever use! You can also get one in distinct colors to make it nicer! It is a big inconvenience when your phone is dying and you are out and do not have a way to charge it, making someone’s life better by getting them a portable charger!

I hope these all give you a good insight into what to get your family members, friends and whoever else is in your life for Christmas. It is good to have ideas before you go into a store, so I hope this helped!