Theater Class Sponsors Positivity Project at PMHS
Photo by Sadie Wisniewski
The positivity poster is located outside room 382. Next time you walk past, leave a note or just read some of the inspirational messages.
How does that positivity poster work? The poster is going to be hung outside of Mrs. Carota’s room (382) for all students to write positive statements and or express themselves on post-its. Once they write a note on the post-it, they have the choice to put it on the poster. The poster will have all different kinds of spring decorations on it such as flowers, butterflies and grass. It will also have the quotation on it that says, “Flowers can grow among the weeds, so let your positivity bloom.”
The point of this poster is to ensure that everyone can stay positive, even on bad days. Many times, it is important to have something inspirational in your school. Our goal is to make our school a safe place for everyone. We all need to work together to make the school a positive environment. Sometimes just a small project like this can brighten up someone’s day.
It’s getting closer to the end of the year; this means that many students need to start preparing for many different exams. I am sure many people can agree that as the end of the year approaches it starts to become crunch time. This all can help to ease many people’s stresses.
Instead of the theatre class doing a big event at this time of the year, we decided to do something that is less stressful and time-consuming to put together. People can now enjoy this for a longer period of time. Even those who choose not to participate in it can have their days brightened up by looking at the poster and all the positivity associated with it.
We all decided to make it where the poster recognizes that there are negative things in life, but positive things can happen too, and many times positive things can come out of negative things. This is a veery important concept for all people to understand.
Next time you walk past room 382, be sure to make note of our positivity poster and maybe take the time to write something that you would like to share on one of the post-its!

Class of 2024.
Loves: writing, cats, and theater.
Fears: failure and heights.
Wishes: I could only talk to cats.