Senior Sunrise or Senior Sleep-in?

Why do seniors want to wake up so early?

This Monday is Senior Sunrise! If you plan on participating make sure that you complete the permission slip as soon as possible! It can be found on Parent Square.

The first quarter has just ended, yet the class of 2023 is already celebrating their last year. Senior Sunrise is coming up on Monday, November 21st, so seniors and their parents need to sign their permission slips right away to agree to a few rules that have been laid out. There is an extensive check-in process, you must be on time to first period, students are permitted to bring blankets to make their morning more comfortable, but food and drinks are prohibited. If students aren’t looking forward to breakfast, then what is the appeal of waking up early to watch the sunrise with your classmates?  


For many students, it’s about spending more time with friends despite the cold November mornings. John Castillo, a senior, says that he “likes the idea, but not in the cold.” Many other schools hold Senior Sunrise at the very beginning of the year when it’s still warm, but John says he’s still looking forward to “celebrating the last school year.” Paige Driscoll, another senior, says that she’s “not a morning person” and she doesn’t like the cold either, but she’s very excited to wear her pajamas and hang out with friends. Sharing their optimism for exciting new experiences after high school in college, careers, and more is enough to get students out of bed to spend their morning relaxing with classmates. 


Emma McCarthy, who is also a senior, even suggested that the high school should rejuvenate this tradition by including a Senior Sunrise at the beginning of the year, and a Senior Sunset at the end of the year. She explains that this would be “more symbolic and meaningful” as they rise bright and early to persevere through their last year and come together to reminisce about their memories of high school as they close this chapter of their lives. 


Regardless of Patchogue Medford’s unique approach to the tradition of Senior Sunrise, seniors are still looking forward to the chance to change up their routines and pass the time with close friends. Plus, even seniors who plan on participating in their own ‘Senior Sleep-in’ have plenty of events to look forward to this year such as Senior Prom, Senior Day, and more. If you are a senior and you haven’t gotten involved yet, I implore you to start joining in on the fun so you can make unforgettable memories as you say goodbye to your childhood and hello to your life as an adult.