Patchogue-Medford Raiders rally under the Friday night lights for the community’s annual Support the Troops football game.
As proud members of the Navy SEAL Lt. Michael P. Murphy Campus, gathering for any sort of cause is extremely valuable at the Raider Stadium.
This being said, the turnout for this day did not disappoint.
The game started with a beautiful performance by Abby Caravella singing the National Anthem which was then followed by a moment of silence for the lives lost due to the tragic Farmingdale bus crash.
To show their support, The Pat-Med Marching Band and cheerleaders wore green ribbons on their uniforms.
This honorary game continues to stand as a night that brings our community together.
Varsity Football team captain, Ryan Seevers, is just one example of how much those in our community appreciate the game that shines light on those who have served our country.
“The support the troops game means a lot to me and the team, representing the men and women who have selflessly served our country” he says.
“It was fun, I really enjoyed it, especially being a part of the performing groups. It’s always fun performing alongside the marching band and cheerleading team,” says Michael Melvin, captain of our school’s Color Guard.
The atmosphere never disappoints when attending a Friday night football games, but it was only amplified by this special event.
Varsity Cheerleading team captain, Kasey Elorriaga emphasizes the importance of going to school events saying, “School activities, especially football games, are honestly the most heartwarming times, seeing everyone bonding and connecting is so refreshing!”
The love and support displayed is unmatched, shown in the student section collectively screaming an unexpected chant or the friends and families offering blankets to the ones who forgot theirs.
Elorriaga continues, “The Support Our Troops game is my favorite game of the year because you really see the dedication from our community, it’s always a fun night.”

As we kick off the football season, it’s always best to remember the importance of community, as we are the ones who truly make these nights possible.
The Support the Troops football game encapsulates the true meaning behind what community means as it brings everyone together to watch a simple game, it is so much more than that.
When we really think about it, it’s the time and dedication put in by the athletes, coaches, musicians, parents, teachers, and staff.
Those who make up our community are behind these Friday night lights. They are the ones who allow those stadium lights to shine. Without them, there would be no football to watch, no chants to scream along to, no blankets to share – no community to celebrate with.
Luckily for us, this is just the beginning to our football season!
The next home game will be on September 29th at 6 PM, back at the Raider Stadium with the theme “Black-Out.”
We will also celebrate our Seniors on the football, cheerleading, Raiderettes, marching band, and color guard teams.
Ava • Oct 3, 2023 at 9:08 am
I was at the game I didn’t know all this stuff about it!