Did the Baby Help Her Win?
Serena Williams, tennis legend, and Grand Slam Singles Title
Photo by Creative Commons
Serena Williams was the center of some controversy this week when she revealed her pregnancy.
Recently, January 28, 2017 would mark Serena Williams’ 23rd Grand Slam Singles title win at the Australian Open. As the world watched, long-time fans were astonished by Williams’ sheer dedication to her sport over the years, exalting her with a great deal of well-deserved congratulations.
Just this past month, Williams shared a photo of her profile while wearing a yellow swimsuit, with the caption “20 weeks” on Snapchat. In the photo, Serena sported an apparent baby bump, and the photo quickly blew up, however it was not for the reason that might have been expected. Williams’ fans reacted first by congratulating her; however, there were accusations made by numerous critics and speculators alike. The arguments primarily stressed that if she was now 20 weeks into her pregnancy, that meant at the time of her most recent win at the Australian Open earlier this year, she was about eight weeks pregnant.
It was then furthered by statements claiming that her pregnancy somehow added to her ability to perform. Ultimately suggesting that taking home the win was due to the fact that her increased blood oxygen level gave her an edge, and spiked her game. If anything, Williams’ only eight-week pregnancy at the time of the Australian Open logically seems as if it would serve as more of a hindrance as opposed to an advantage. Additionally, the fact that she was capable of performing at the top of her game while pregnant should only further her credibility overall as both an athlete and women. Particularly, this showcases not only Williams, but the vast capabilities of a woman’s body and all that it is capable of doing, pregnant or not.

Grade 12
"I do things like get in a taxi and say, 'The library, and step on it.'"
~ David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest
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