Make the Most of your Snow Day
Learn to occupy yourself during cold and odious weather.
Photo by Sadie Wisniewski
Snow Day survival guide includes hobbies, board games, and reading!
For some, having a day snowed out can be very inconvenient; you cannot attend your daily occupation, you also might have to cancel any plans you might have had for that day. For others though having a snow day can be fun, cozy, and unexpected day off. Regardless, it’s always good to have activities to fill those days with; so, you do not become bored and or depressed.
- Board games
Board games can be a wonderful way to pass the time and connect with your family, they can also keep your brain busy. (This is also a desirable alternative if your power goes out).
2. Baking/cooking
Many people find joy in baking and cooking because it is a fun project, a nice gesture for friends and family and it is also a nice treat for yourself! There is nothing like baking in the winter on a snowy day.
3. Any work you must catch up on
There are many diverse types of jobs, commitments and even school where you must catch up on work while you are at home. Most of the time if it weren’t for the snow day you would have attended these things anyway, so why would it hurt to catch up on some work while at home? When you go back you will also feel much better.
4. Projects you don’t have time for on a daily basis
Many people have full weeks with full schedules and have very little time for any projects that they would like to do in their own house, a snow day is a great day to get them done!
5. Reading a good book
Sitting down with a good book during harsh weather conditions is one of the best ways to spend that time! (This is also a good alternative if your power goes out).

Class of 2024.
Loves: writing, cats, and theater.
Fears: failure and heights.
Wishes: I could only talk to cats.