Founded in 1952 by Mario Valentino, Valentino is a world-renowned Italian brand known for its luxury bags and leather goods. Their merchandise ranges from the $300 to $500 range.
Founded in 1960 by Valentino Garavani, Valentino is also a world-renowned brand known for its luxury Italian based fashion house, exceptional craftsmanship and quality goods. Their merchandise ranges from $3,000 to $5,000 range.
Both Mario Valentinos’ and Valentino Garavanis’ brands are identified under the name of Valentino. This is undoubtedly bound to cause confusion among consumers as both sell products under the same name. The battle between Mario Valentino and Valentino Garavani was too complex to where it had to be taken into court.
After 40 years of both brands co-existing as separate Valentino entities, legal matters had to be taken on behalf of Valentino Garavani onto Mario Valentino for infringement of their 1979 co-existence agreement in which it was listed that both parties can use Valentino and V on their products. With over 10 lawsuits filed against each other, there is clearly a problem with consumers identification on which brand is Mario Valentino or Valentino Garavani.
Garavani claims that Mario Valentino has deliberately crafted bags akin to Garavani products as well as creating the facade that Valentino Garavani is the trademark holder of their bags, and not Mario Valentino to create an allure that consumers are getting a discount on expensive Valentino Garavani bags.

When posed with the question of which bag, Valentino Garavani or Mario Valentino, looks more expensive, PMHS Library Secretary Ms. Jordan gave a unique answer. She felt as though the Mario Valentino bag appeared more luxurious compared to the Valentino Garavani bag, despite the Garavani bag being at a higher price point.
She was also unaware of the difference between Mario Valentino and Valentino Garavani, assuming both were the same company. This assumption seems to be the case for many people, as in an online forum many presumed Mario Valentino and Valentino Garavani were the same brand when shopping.
Ultimately, the similarities between the brands are undeniable. Both present themselves as retailers for luxury Italian leather handbags, as well as Mario Valentino seemingly reworking the Garavani stud motif. This has recently led to a rebrand by Garavani into now labeling themselves on magazines as Valentino Garavani, not just Valentino.