NEHS Book Drive
Photo by Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Creative Commons
Donate books for a great cause!
The National English Honor Society will be hosting a book drive over the course of the next few weeks and we would like to ask for your help! We encourage you to bring in children’s books and give them to any of the 35 teachers who have agreed to help collect them. All of the donated books will go towards the Project: Cameron’s Story, which provides books for mothers to read to their newborn babies.
Project: Cameron’s Story was started because of the power that reading and storytelling had with helping Cameron’s family bond and assist with his development. Cameron was born premature and had severe Broncho-Pulmonary Dysplasia (BPD) coupled with a secondary diagnosis of Pulmonary Hypertension, his mother had found comfort in reading to him while he lay in his incubator at the hospital. As Cameron’s family had said, “despite the fact that our precious boy never spoke a single word, it became clear to us, and all of those who were touched by his journey, that Cameron absolutely had a story to tell…a story of strength, hope, and love.”
NEHS has decided to do this book drive to not only promote literacy and share the love of reading, but to also help and comfort these families and their sick children through the healing benefits of reading. As NEHS president Joe Finn stated, “the National English Honor Society is thrilled to bring joy to patients in the form of literature.” We look forward to your donations.