February, Here We Come…
Read about the exciting events happening in February
Photo by Ms. DAmico
With the end of January just on the horizon, these next few days should be no reason to resort to sluggishness. Midterms have just finished up; but, a new semester is on the horizon — do not give up now! Nevertheless, with the closing of January, the month of February brings much excitement within the Raider Community.
February 8th, 9th, and 10th: Join us “under the sea” for this year’s All-School Musical. Patchogue-Medford HS presents The Little Mermaid. It’s a phenomenal production that the cast, pit, crew, and production team have put together for the enjoyment for the whole family. Ticket sales begin the week of Jan. 29th. $12 in advance, $15 at the door.
February 14th: From 6:00 to 8:00 o’clock, the National Honor Society Volleyball Tournament will take place in the West Gym. Ms. Sweda, urges everyone to sign up and participate in this annual tradition. Each team can consist of 6 to 8 players and teachers and faculty members are also encouraged to participate. “This is a great opportunity for faculty and staff to connect with their students.” says Ms. Sweda. This event is very important because all proceeds raised go to the National Honor Society scholarship funds, so sign up!
February 16th: From 7:00 to 9:00 o’clock, is the Senior Fashion Show. As the name suggests, the event will showcase students wearing various wardrobe selections that relate to this year’s chosen theme. This night acts as one of the seniors’ largest fundraisers of the year. The senior class advisors, Mrs. McGourty and Mrs. Space, are the coordinators of this event. This year, they decided on the theme: “It’s Showtime.” Within this theme, there are many categories including superheroes, Disney, Decades, Career, Wedding, Movies, College, and many more. Similar to the Volleyball Tournament, the Senior Fashion Show promotes the participation of teachers in this event and urges them to volunteer and dress up as well. This year, Dr Hynes and Mr. Hanley will be hosting.
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March 29th: The last Thursday of March will be the 5th year of the Stick it to Cancer Floor Hockey Tournament (now rescheduled AND taking place at Saxton Middle School). Each year there have been approximately 12 student teams with 8-15 students per team and 3-4 adult teams. This year, that number has grown with 8 adult teams comprised of teachers and faculty from the high school, and different middle and elementary schools. Additionally, there will be an administration team with Suffolk County Legislator, Rob Calarco. Every year, Ms. D’Amico, a reading specialist in the high school, has been the lead coordinator of this event, with the continuing help of her daughter who actively runs the social media despite being in her second year of college. This year, Mr. Brienza, an English teacher in the high school, will also be helping the team run the event. At this event, WBLI will be there taking pictures and handing out giveaways to those who attend. Also, Team USA Hockey Forward, Joe Ondrush, and a few other members will be assisting the teams in the East Gym and donates money to the students and families the participants are playing for. This year, the Stick it to Cancer Floor Hockey Tournament will be played for Airen Craig and Kayla Marine, both freshman girls. Ms. D’Amico would like as many people as possible to participate. She knows “the tournament is an important event for the dedicatees and their families because it lets them know that they are part of our Pat-Med family and that we stand behind them and support them during this very trying time of their lives. It is important for everyone who participates because as community members who are watching what these families are going through, we sometimes feel helpless but this tournament gives everyone who participates a positive way to help and let the families and students know that we care.”