2019 Taking Over Raiderbowl 2018
Photo by Victoria Harrison
The Class of 2020 cheering on their classmates from the stands.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year. The smack-talk is in the air. There is a particular beauty in the sound of threats from opposing classes. Everyone can feel it- It’s time for Raiderbowl.
The initial energy of the seniors bursting through the gym doors never lost it’s intensity. The Class of 2019, led by self-proclaimed mascot, Katie Wright, with her horns and flags, came together in a surprisingly impactful way chanting “Thirty eight!” in memory of classmate, Sean Dixon. In that moment, everyone knew the seniors would win for Sean, as stated on the multitude of posters and painted bodies.
“We all wish Sean could be here with us. We have a really great reason to try our best and make the most of tonight. Our whole class just loves making memories together,” says Katie. The tornado of energy in the middle of the gym was then forced to the bleachers. However, due to the senior classes variety of dancers and chanters, barricades had to be brought out as a containment precaution. Let’s just say, however dramatic that might have been, it was completely necessary.

The seniors huddle up to plan their strategy during their last Raiderbowl to kick off the homecoming season.
Typically, the underclassmen at Raiderbowl can be compared to minnows in a shark tank. That perception definitely held true at Raiderbowl 2018. The freshman and sophmores together squeezed onto one small bleacher and probably did not move their feet all night.
“At my first Raiderbowl, I was shocked that everybody was so enthusiastic. It was so much fun and I can’t wait for next year,” says Tiffany, Class of 2022. It has to be nerve wracking walking into a gym where all of the seniors look like they should be held back in restraints and taken to a hospital for the clinically insane. Their subtle screams and clapping coming from the right side of the gym reassures me that at some point they will become more comfortable with each other and eventually spend their entire paycheck at Party City like I did.
The juniors were just as vocal but not even half as crazy. Maybe it’s the fact that they know in the back of their minds they get the privilege of coming back next year. Although, it may have just been that our gym turned into a sauna.
“The Juniors’ spirit was hotter than the gym itself,” says Mike, Class of 2020. However, the heat didn’t stop any screams or chants coming from their middle section of the gym all night. Their class spirit is intense and creates a very prideful feeling. Looking into the stands, not one person was confused or unhappy. The Class of 2020 has most definitely come together as best friends. They are right in the middle of making their high school memories and they are definitely doing it right.
The seniors had a very real reason for uniting at Raiderbowl and eventually winning, which has been the goal for four years now. Every student is realizing it’s almost time to leave. We don’t get another try next year. We are constantly making memories and even more people are getting involved.
“My first and last Raiderbowl was the best experience of my four years at the high school,” says Mia, Class of 2019. Sprinting out into the middle of the gym together after hearing we won was unforgettable for everyone there. That truly was the best way to kick off homecoming season.

Grade 12
"Life isn't about getting and having, it's about giving and being." -Kevin Kruse