What does LGBTQ+ mean?

June is Pride month but, for those seeking information about what this popular acronym stands for, we have a comprehensive list.

Photo by A. Mckeough

Downstiars bulletin outside of Guidance was recently decorated to celebrate Pride month at PMHS.

With the month of June comes the celebration of pride in the LGBTQ+ community, but what does that mean? Well to start, LGBT is an acronym for different sexual and gender identities. So, let’s go through and explain some of them:

Lesbian- Someone who identifies as women and is romantically/sexually interested in other women (this can include those who identify as nonbinary) 

Gay- Someone who identifies as male and is romantically/sexually interested in other males (this can include those who identify as nonbinary). Gay can also refer to anyone who identifies as homosexual. 

Bisexual- Refers to a person who is romantically/sexually interested in all genders, though they might have preferences. Pansexuality also falls under the category of bisexuality but someone who is pan has no preference based on biological sex, gender, or gender identity. 

Transgender- when someone personal gender does not correspond to the sex they were born as. Those who identify as transgender might seek gender reaffirming medicine or surgery. People who are non-binary do not identify male nor female also fall in this category. 

Queer- another umbrella term for people in the LGBTQ+ community, though some may find this term offensive. 

Asexual- someone who doesn’t experience or desire sexual feelings/attraction. Though sexuality is a spectrum so not all people who identify as “Ace” have the same experiences. Also just because a person is asexual doesn’t mean they don’t want romantic relationships. 

Aromantic- is a person that doesn’t experience romantic attraction. Similarly, to asexuality, aromantic is a spectrum and these people may have different experiences with romance. People who identify as “Aro” many also still be interested in have sexual relation. 

While there are many other sexual and gender identities this is a good place to begin learning. I hope this inspired you to do your own research and find out more about the LGBTQ+ community.