PMHS Delegates Attend Model United Nations Conference

Photo by Photo by Mrs. Botta

PMHS students attend Model UN conference

Dear distinguished delegates and whomever else this paper will reach,


I was approached to write an article in the school newspaper about the Model United Nations Conference that we held here at Pat-Med this November. This was my fourth conference at Patchogue Medford and probably around my 24th conference overall. I knew my staff and I would be running around the school all day — constructive arguments would take place, sophisticated resolutions would be written, powerful speeches delivered, and tears shed. PatMedMUNCIX took place on November 18th and 19th with 250 students in attendance.


There were many noteworthy moments at this particular conference. I polled my staff for their favorite moments and here are the results:


– Brandon Brinkerhoff, Chair of European Union: “When the EU fixed their economy but the rest of the world went to war.”

– Michael Corso, Chair of Security Council: “When you goons busted down my door with a Bugle and Paper Airplanes.”

– Eric Keough, Chair of Human Rights Council: “I thought it was great seeing the delegates make compromises on divisive issues. Countries like Ecuador wanted to abolish capital punishment but was able to compromise with pro-capital punishment countries like China by deciding to impose guidelines to make the process safer.”

– Samantha Volpi, Chair of African Union: “One of my delegates recommended doing the Mannequin Challenge, at first I was skeptical but the end result was worth it! I love the video!”

– Elizabeth Corso, Chair of UNODC: “During the unmoderated caucuses, the delegates ended up forming an investigative task force to end drug trafficking and made it the resolution.”

– Genesis Guevera, Chair of IAEA: “I was voted most likely to act like they like you and then stab you in the back by my committee”

  • Ronny Lospenuso, Treasurer: “I’ve had many opportunities in life, but Model UN sticks out the most for me. I learn something new in every conference and make a bunch of friends to always have my back. While speaking in front of all the participants I saw a bunch of people wanting to make the world better, trying to do something greater than themselves, and I am proud to be a part of this.”
  • Elizabeth Marge, Chair of European Union: “I loved getting to say Botta’s speech. Ms. Botta leaves an impact on her students and club members every single day, and that truly is what defines a teacher, leaving an impact on a child each day.”


I encourage everyone to join Model UN and here’s why: when I joined Model UN during my freshman year, I did not expect to enjoy it. I remember being told that “if you have a favorite country flag, this is the club for you,” by the previous Secretary General. Now that I reflect upon that statement, it is accurate to a very small extent; it is incredibly misleading and perhaps not the best way to sell people on the idea of Model UN. I joined the club with the pure intent of strengthening my college application. I had no interest in current events, foreign affairs, nor could I speak in front of a group of people. I most definitely did not have a favorite flag- in fact I could probably only recognize three. Yet, even considering my somewhat selfish intentions, I have grown to love everything that Model UN stands for. I think that our Chief of Staff puts it best in his closing speech, “Model United Nations is about the cultivation of the mind into a sophisticated melting pot of ideas that allows you to turn your experiences in the classroom (and in committee) into life-long lessons that will benefit people who care about our future- people like you.” It truly modifies the mind into something unique, something that cares not about the accolades you receive from participation but the exposure you gain to different cultures, ideas, and solutions.


That is the kind of person that Model UN breeds. It takes the ordinary high-school student and enlightens them about the world around them; it changes perspectives, introduces them to passion, and enhances their communication skills. I want to stress that the most important thing you will take away from Model UN, if you chose to participate in it, is not public speaking, nor general knowledge of world affairs, but the ability to listen to your peers and value their opinions as equal. If everyone could do this, I think the world would be a much more peaceful and prosperous place. Model UN will shape the future of those who participate in it therefore shaping the shared future of humanity. The members of our very own club are the future generation of politicians, activists, conservationists, and more important than that- they are the future voters of America who have just been incredibly well informed about the current state of the world and incredibly passionate to do something about it. That is the value that Model UN possesses for the world around us.


For more information regarding Patchogue Medford Model UN visit our Instagram @patmed_mun or ask myself, Joe Finn, Ronny Lospenuso, or any other active members of the club. Better yet, attend a conference because, like soccer, Model UN is not something that you can fully understand until you go out and try it.


Thank you. And with that- I now declare this article over.



Lauren Sanchez

Secretary General, Patchogue Medford Model United Nations