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The student news site of Patchogue-Medford High School

The Red & Black

The student news site of Patchogue-Medford High School

The Red & Black

The student news site of Patchogue-Medford High School

The Red & Black

All content by Gianna Gordon
It was a great feeling to run down the field; it's bittersweet to know that it would be the last time. Senior Gianna Gordon plays for the Raiders for the last time.

One Last Time

Gianna Gordon, Staff Writer
October 23, 2019
Senior Isabella Scuteri has been a vital part of our publication since 9th grade and now she's been promoted as our second Editor-in-Chief.

[Photo] Another Sheriff in Town

Tony Salamah, Staff Writer
October 4, 2019
Gabby -- grade 12


Gianna Gordon, Staff Writer
August 21, 2019
Makayla and Ashley from Canaan Elementary School.

[Photo] Girls' Lax

April 3, 2019
Nala -- The Gordon family puppy

National Puppy Day

Gianna Gordon, Staff Writer
March 21, 2019
Homecoming Theme for 2019

Homecoming Theme for 2019

Gianna Gordon, Staff Writer
March 15, 2019
The junior class trip to see the Islanders play the Washington Capitals in coming up!

The Class Vision is 2020

Gianna Gordon, Staff Writer
January 29, 2019
This graph shows the ratio of plastic waste growing by 2050.

A Glimpse Into a Polluted Future

Gianna Gordon, Staff Writer
January 15, 2019
There is NO noise like that of the Islander fans rocking the Barn.

Back at the Barn

Gianna Gordon, Staff Writer
December 4, 2018
Singer-songwriter, Shawn Mendes, live on stage.

“Youth” Music Video

Gianna Gordon, Staff Writer
November 13, 2018
Are there benefits to working on computers in school? Or are we better off writing information by hand.

From Pen to PC

Gianna Gordon, Staff Writer
October 22, 2018
Erin Colton and Sue Caron from News 12 LI visited with Mrs. Sullivan's Communications & Broadcasting elective to discuss some of the realities, both physically and technically, related to a job in broadcast news.

Local Journalist Discusses Modern Media

Gianna Gordon, Staff Reporter/Field Reporter
October 18, 2018
PMHS Red Cross Club has been collecting items needed to support the victims of Hurricanes Florence and Michael.

Fast and the Furious: Florence

Gianna Gordon, Staff Writer
September 14, 2018
How are we supposed to focus when seasonal allergies start during the school year?

The One Dread of Spring

Gianna Gordon, Staff Reporter
May 6, 2018
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