Girls’ Volleyball Has More Than Just Luck
Photo by Sarah Bacon
The girls’ volleyball team huddle together and celebrate an amazing win over Ward Melville.
The Girls Varsity Volleyball team had many great reasons to give it their all during their game against Ward Melville.
However, the greatest reason is a twelve year old named Kaelyn. Some of the girls play on an outside team with her older sister and Kaelyn was recently diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, after being in remission.
Our girls, as well as a lot of the Long Island volleyball community, want to do everything they can for their friends family.
“I couldn’t even imagine what they are going through. We just want to help in any way we can,” says senior outside hitter, Katie.
Whatever their motivation was, it worked. The girls beat Ward Melville for the first time in Pat-Med history earlier in the season. However, now playoffs were on the line so stakes were higher.
“We wanted to show them that our first win against them wasn’t just luck,” says senior player, Kayla.
The first two sets were rough for the Pat-Med girls, losing both by a number I won’t mention. However, something clicked and they would up winning the next three sets, proving to Ward Melville that they are great players and don’t just get lucky.
The girls showed amazing communication moving the ball and suddenly, a desire to win. Their aggression and determination could be seen by anyone in the gym that day. The were playing for a reason.

The girls’ volleyball team made custom t-shirts to show their support for Kaelyn.
None of this could have been done without junior, Caitlin Dellecave, who had 30 assists, helping the team tremendously with their victory.
The girls left the game that day feeling more proud of themselves than ever.
Wearing their Team Kaelyn shirts, they knew they were making a difference doing something they love.

Grade 12
"Life isn't about getting and having, it's about giving and being." -Kevin Kruse