The Grand Finale
PMHS Music departments closes on another successful year.

Photo by Andres Rendon
Pictured above is Molly McCabe, an 11th grade chorus student, receiving her certificate from Mr. Zarchy, and greeting the other music educators as well. After the ceremony, Molly stated “It’s a great honor to be inducted in a society with such a great group of students.”
Since the beginning of the year, the Patchogue Medford Music department here in the high school has proved to people that it is a force to be reckoned with. From the talent of the students, to the dedication of the faculty, the music department has shown to us that it is a strong and impressive branch in the district. But, all good things must come to an end (until the new school year, of course).
Being that this is Pat-Med, the music department decided to go out with a bang! First on the list was the Annual Music Gala, held on May 29th, an event specially dedicated to music students for their hard work and effort that was put in to make all the activities and events throughout the year successful. This year was different, however, in that the Gala was held at Mediterranean Manor, unlike the traditional venue, Sunset Harbor. Despite the location change, students still had a great time. Madisen Downs, an 11th grade Orchestra student claimed “It was very fun, and the DJ was good too. He got everyone out on the dance floor.”

Pictured above is David Bonilla, Megan Egan, Alex Torres, Molly McCabe, Daniel Barna, Rosalile Logiacco, Ethan Franco, Jack Pringle, and Amber Ringle at the Gala dancing and enjoying the night
The Gala also served the purpose to honor the graduating seniors, and to thank them for their continued interest and support for music and the music department. Mr. Johnson, Mr. Reich, Mr. Zarchy and Mr. Mahr all handed out awards to seniors who were in their music classes or groups, and awarded several others for their high achievements regarding music. All in all, the Gala was a very successful event that was enjoyed by many.
Speaking of ceremonies, the Tri-M Honor Society Induction/Chord Ceremony was held on May 30th, right after the Gala! The three “m”s in Tri-M stand for Modern Music Master, and all of the 21 inductees have demonstrated the values of the “m”s which include music excellence, practice and consistent effort, thus making them qualified for this honor society.
There were also performances by students, such as Aidan Manishkin, pictured below, who played arguably the hardest piece for cello, and he played it marvelously.
Tri-M officers Daniel Barna, Stella Wilkins, Andrew Scheiner and Autumn Manes were present at the ceremony as well, in which they stated the values of Tri-M, and being that they are all seniors, they received their chords as well.
And Daniel is right. More community service should be included to be a more credible honor society and that along with more potential activities are being discussed for next year. And being that all of the current officers are graduating seniors, the society is now holding an election for all four positions of president, vice president, secretary and treasurer.

Pictured above is Mr. Zachy, Mr. Stuckey, Mr. Reich. Mr. Mahr and Mr. Johnson before the awards ceremony.
Besides the Gala and the induction ceremony, the high school music department only has the second spring concert, which is on June 7th, left before closing this chapter of Patchogue Medford music.
The seniors will be missed dearly, and I think that I can speak on the behalf of the rest of the music students, that we are all extremely grateful for the opportunities that the music department has given, and cannot wait to see what the department has in store for the future.

Grade 12
"Sometimes one bite is more than enough to know you want more of the thing you just got a taste of." -Dr. Pomatter